(912) 226-7707

5525 Abercorn Street, Suite 25
Savannah, GA 31405

Mon- Fri 9a-8p (closed 1230-130p)
Sat- Sun 9a-4p (closed 1230-130p)

Mon- Fri 9a-8p 
Sat- Sun 9a-4p 
closed 1230-130p daily


Mon- Fri 9a-8p (closed 1230-130p)
Sat- Sun 9a-4p (closed 1230-130p)

Greetings fellow parents! In the ever-evolving journey of guiding our children toward a bright future, it’s essential that we explore the powerful tool of gratitude. Today we embark on a journey to understand the profound impact of gratitude on our children’s personal development. I want to help you in teaching gratitude to all our fabulous children. Which is no small task in this age of entitlement.

Mary Davis, CEO of the Special Olympics, watches people overcome challenges for a living. She has witnessed the power of gratitude. Her words, not mine:

“The more grateful I am, the more beauty I see.”

Let us help our children see the beauty before them. There is a ton of bad stuff going on in the world. That’s not hard to see. Our world, our people, our society in some ways seems set on pointing out all the division and hatred and destroying the good we try to build. So let’s help our kidz see the beauty before them. Let’s show them how much there is to be grateful for, and how to become a greater part of it.

Teaching Gratitude

Gratitude, the art of recognizing and appreciating the good in our lives, plays a pivotal role in shaping the character of our kidz. It’s not just about saying “thank you”; it’s a mindset that fosters positive emotions and contributes to the overall well-being of our children as they grow and navigate the world.

Emotional well-being, social skills development, and academic performance are pillars of our kidz’ growth. When gratitude is woven into their and our daily lives, we witness resilient, empathetic, and academically thriving young minds who achieve more, and more importantly, are happier.

The home and school are both breeding grounds for gratitude or, conversely, entitlement. Parents are primary influencers, and schools – the second homes of our children – together shape their understanding of and receptivity to gratitude. Since we can’t be with them at school hearing the conversations they have with their friends, we have to do all we can to reinforce a thankful mindset at home. We have to prepare them to be happy and productive and to want to be happy and productive as they get older and learn to live in this world. Teaching gratitude isn’t easy, but it’s so important.

So what can we do?

The Gratitude Mindset

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”
– Oprah Winfrey

Model Grateful Behavior: As adults, we are the front-runners in demonstrating gratitude. Children absorb behavior like sponges, so let’s be mindful of the gratitude we exhibit.

Teaching Gratitude with Explanations: Equip our children with the knowledge of what gratitude truly means and why it holds such significance in their lives.

Encouraging Thank-Yous: Establishing simple routines like expressing thanks at meals or bedtime fosters a habit of gratitude. But the habit isn’t enough – it can become rote and meaningless unless we foster a real feeling of thanks. We want to encourage a mindset that is grateful and appreciative for all that is good.

Foster Empathy: By encouraging our children to step into others’ shoes, we cultivate a sense of empathy that goes hand in hand with gratitude. This is hard with smaller children. But as our kidz grow up, it becomes easier for them to move outside their own self and see the good they can do to and for others.

Navigating age-related challenges and overcoming entitlement may pose hurdles, but understanding and addressing these obstacles are vital steps in the journey towards a more grateful child.

Teaching Gratitude with Real-World Demonstration

What are some things our kidz can do to really learn gratitude?

Keeping a Gratitude Journal: Writing down our thoughts and feelings about what is good and what is bad is a simple yet effective tool. By setting a goal to notice the good that came to us, we instill the habit of recognizing and recording things to be thankful for. Journaling can be a really useful tool in teaching gratitude.

Volunteer and Community Service: This is perhaps the best method to aid you in teaching gratitude. Getting involved in community activities fosters a sense of gratitude by helping children understand the importance of giving back. Furthermore, our children can see how good they have it. There’s nothing that reinforces gratitude more than seeing somebody forced to cope without the blessings we have in our lives. It’s hard – it can be difficult to watch. And then again, sometimes people are grateful for our actions to help them. But it’s all part of growing up.

Expressing and Teaching Gratitude through Art and Creative Activities: Encourage artistic expressions of gratitude, allowing children to showcase their appreciation in unique and personal ways.

“Gratitude is when memory is stored in the heart and not in the mind.”
– Lionel Hampton

As we reflect on the significance of gratitude in childhood, let’s carry forward the torch of wisdom. Gratitude isn’t just a word; it’s a guiding principle that shapes our children’s character. It shapes the way they see the world. Teaching gratitude to our kids helps them be happier and value the important things. Let’s embrace the responsibility to nurture gratitude in our little ones, creating a world where kindness and appreciation reign supreme. We want our kidz to be happier and more resilient.

Dear parents, the journey towards cultivating gratitude in our children starts with us. Let’s be the architects of a future where grateful hearts lead the way. Together, let’s sow the seeds of gratitude, and watch as they blossom into a brighter and more harmonious world for our children.

I’ll leave you with one more statement from a beautiful woman in mind and in soul who knows far more than I about teaching gratitude, and well, a great many other things:

“Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer. And let faith be the bridge you build to overcome evil and welcome good.”
– Maya Angelou

Urgent Kidz Care - Urgent Kids Care - Urgent Care Pediatrics in Savannah, Georgia

Urgent Kidz Care

5525 Abercorn Street

Suite 25 Savannah, GA 31405